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Trek | 646(3kV,6.5mA)


  • 646(3kV,6.5mA) DataSheet 다운로드




모델646은 Electrostatic Chuck Supply 로서 다양한 기능을 제공한다. 특히 기술화된 용법은 효율성의 증가를 보여주었고, 추가적으로 끈적이는 wafer 제거와 wafer popping 문제를 해결하여, 입자 오염을 더욱 더 효율적으로 제어할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.

Output PhasingVoltage A (Reference Phase) = 0 to ±3 kV , Voltage B (Phase B = [-1] x Phase A) = 0 to ±3 kV
Output Voltage Range0 to ±3 kV
Output Current Range0 to ±6.5 mA DC with a peak capability of 10 mA


• Supports both Coulombic and Johnsen-Rahbek ESC technologies

• User configurable for custom clamp and declamp sequences and wave shapes

• Electrostatic chuck profiles can be uploaded to the unit and stored internally via a user-friendly software

• Reduces backside gas errors, increases throughput, and eliminates sticky/popping wafer issues

• Lockable front panel control interface

• Ability to control parameters such as over-current, wafer-present and wafer-clamped thresholds,
clamp voltage, offset voltage and internal or external amplitude/offset control

• Wafer detection includes no wafer, wafer present or wafer clamped status

• Includes in-process-adjustable amplitude/offset and output-control versatility

• Output can be controlled by back panel I/O, serial computer command or front panel controls

• NIST-traceable Certificate of Calibration provided with each unit
• Electrostatic-driven handling of materials

• Semiconductor wafer processing

• Non-mechanical transfer of flat panels or other processing materials sensitive to mechanical handling